Department of Youth affairs and sports invites application from young talent sports persons to recruit as Junior Physical Instructors. Details of the post as follows.
Number of posts vacant-163
Candidate must pass in madhyamik and participate as a player in any state or national level competitions organised by state governments or Indian Olympic or any other recognized board or federation. Candidate with certificate in physical education course are more prefer.
Age- Not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years.
Advertisement and application form
Name of the post
Junior Physical Instructor.
Number of posts vacant-163
Eligibility criteria
Education qualificationCandidate must pass in madhyamik and participate as a player in any state or national level competitions organised by state governments or Indian Olympic or any other recognized board or federation. Candidate with certificate in physical education course are more prefer.
Age- Not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years.
How to apply
Eligible candidates has to send application in prescribed format along with relevant documents to the address mention below with in last date. Candidate has to submit only one application in their respective district. Multiple applications will be rejected. No TA/ DA will be paid for interview. No need to pay any application fee. Application forms should submit by hand only. Application received through post and email are rejected.Advertisement and application form
General Details
- Name of the company- Department of Youth and Sports
- Place of posting- In Tripura
- Address- Refer notification for district wise address
- Phone- Not provided
- Email- Not given
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